Recently Veranex acquired T3 Labs, a state-of-the-art, highly reputable preclinical laboratory located in Atlanta, Georgia. This acquisition solidifies our commitment to expanding our preclinical footprint in North America, supporting the increasing regulatory demands and enabling more efficient collaboration with clients in their product development.
While our Paris lab is already well-known as a preeminent leader within the cardiovascular space, the addition of our North American facility brings a broader array of cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular expertise into our portfolio of offerings. We’ve expanded our capabilities to encompass 12 total therapeutic areas including orthopedic, GI/urology, and more as well as offering bioskills training. The staff at T3 Labs brings deep preclinical medical device expertise to our existing team, having contributed to more than 60 products being approved by the FDA over the past 10 years.
P: 404.221.0617
Fax: 404.448.3982
Address: 8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 250, Atlanta, GA 30350