Equipment Depot

Georgia Life Sciences' Equipment Depot provides grade 6-12 teachers with laboratory supplies and equipment needed to prepare students for careers in the life sciences. We collect donations from companies and universities and distribute supplies into the schools that desperately need them. 

What we need:

Petri Dishes • Conical Tubes • Microcentrifuge Tubes (0.2 mL, 1.5 mL) • Sterile Serological Pipettes • Sterile Filters (Whatman) • Parafilm • Transfer Pipets (plastic) • Pipettes and Tips • Agar (LB or nutrient) • Agarose • Heating Blocks • Thermal Cyclers • Electrophoresis Chambers and Power Supplies • Water Baths and Carousels • Incubators • Freezers • Vortexers • Mini Microcentrifuges • Lab Coats • Gowns • Gloves • Safety Glasses • Beakers • Graduated Cylinders

We cannot accept hazardous materials or chemicals, except agar and agarose.

Join our mailing list to be notified of ‘Open House’ shopping opportunities. To learn more, please email us at

The Equipment Depot is an essential component to the Georgia Life Sciences’ workforce training offered to K-12 STEM educators. All Georgia STEM teachers are welcome to the Depot for equipment and supplies to aid in teaching STEM subjects. Teachers who receive training through our BTTI program are eligible for to borrow equipment through the loaning program.

Why the Depot Exists

The Problem

Whilethe life science industry needs employeeswith basic laboratory and research skills, 91% of teachers reported that the biggest challenge to implementing laboratory activities in the classroom is lack of supplies (107 out of 117 Georgia life science teachers surveyed!). 

Just over half of Georgia’s middle school students have science teachers with the resources needed to teach effectively. The problem is much worse for students of Black or Hispanic heritage, as well as students from low-income families. 

The Solution

Georgia Life Sciences is providing teachers with the resources needed to improve their content knowledge, skills, and confidence in implementing biotechnology laboratory activities. Our Equipment Depot then provides teachers with the supplies needed to conduct these laboratory activities in the classroom. 

How you can help

Donate Supplies

Volunteers and educators sorting supplies at the GABIO Equipment Depot

Redirect the supplies and equipment that are landfill-bound, outdated, ordered in error, etc., including consumable supplies and classroom-appropriate equipment. We can arrange pick-up or consult with you on the appropriateness of items for classroom use. You can also donate supplies for the depot from our wish list here. 

Become a Sponsor

Science and Laboratory supplies on shelves in a storage facility

Your support will help us maintain our storage facilities, employ a fulfillment center, and expand our operation to reach more teachers throughout the state. We accept cash and in-kind contributions. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your gift may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. 

Make an Online Donation

Lab equipment

Individuals can make a secure online donation to support our efforts. 


Educators sorting science lab equipment and supplies at the GABIO Equipment Depot

We need help collecting and inventorying donated items, and staffing our Open House events. 

Info for Teachers

Next Open Houses 

Although no Open House events are currently scheduled for teachers to pick up supplies, please join our mailing list to be notified of the next opportunities. 

Information for Teachers

Georgia Life Sciences Equipment Depot Open House events are for current educators in K-12 schools only. Educators must register in advance for a 20-minute time slot and will receive a confirmation immediately. Directions to our site will be emailed one week in advance. Please arrive several minutes in advance of the assigned time slot to park and check-in.

During the 20-minute time slot, participants will browse our shelves, pack their boxes (bring your own), and check-out. Rolling carts are helpful in transporting boxes back to your car. Participants may take as many items as they like, however, please be considerate of other educators who have similar equipment needs.

*Note: Due to staff availability, we are mainly scheduling individual or team shopping trips. Please email us to schedule a shopping trip at the Depot. 

Items in the Equipment Depot are for educational classroom use only and may not be resold or used for commercial purposes. Georgia Life Sciences does not guarantee or warrant the functionality of the equipment/supplies or that they are free from defects. The equipment/supplies are donated as is. Supplies are available while they last. 

Where is the Equipment Depot?

Georgia Life Sciences Equipment Depot is located at 5002 N. Royal Atlanta Drive, Suite H, Tucker, GA 30084 

Simplified map of the Atlanta Metro area with a star designating the GABIO Equipment Depot
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