On behalf of the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) and Georgia Bio, we wrote to the Natural Resources & Environment Committee to share our comments on Senate Bill 426, being considered by the legislature, related to ethylene oxide. As you may know, billions of medical devices each year in the U.S. are sterilized using ethylene oxide. The direct impact of severe restriction on the ability to sterilize medical devices could compromise the medical device industry’s ability to provide a consistent, stable, and safe supply of medical supplies to patients nationwide during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As the threat of antimicrobial resistance to disease-causing, mutating microbes continues to rise in the U.S. and around the globe, now more than ever, we need to ensure the medical and surgical equipment health care providers use is sterile. Ethylene oxide allows sterile surgeries to happen.
Please click here to view the full letter to the committee.
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