Georgia Life Sciences Summit

August 26-27, 2025

Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center


Poster Sessions

The Executive Committee invites the submission of abstracts from Georgia-based scientists for this year's poster session. Abstracts must be submitted electronically online. 

Participation in the Poster Session is open to representatives from Georgia-based academia, research institutes, and industry. We strongly encourage students and post-doctoral fellows to take part. All abstracts will undergo the same  scientific review as those at national or regional meetings. Poster presentations should align with one of the following categories:

For selected student, post-doctoral, or non-profit organization abstracts, the corresponding author will receive complimentary Summit registration. Additionally, student-submitted posters will be eligible for a limited number of poster awards.

Why a poster session?

Georgia Bio recognizes that research requires time to gather, compile, and present in a clear and accessible format. As a Research Presenter, your goal is to share this valuable information with the right audience, and the Summit Poster Session offers an excellent opportunity to do just that. Apply for the poster session to showcase your research to a broad audience within Georgia's bioscience industry.

Poster Submission Guidelines

The body of the uploaded abstract submission should not exceed 450 words; this limit excludes the title, authors and affiliations. Clearly define all concepts and abbreviations at first use. If English is not your primary language, attempt to have your abstract reviewed by a native English speaker. To be acceptable, abstracts shall contain a concise statement of the research. It is recommended that the author follow the structured format below:

Title (not included in 450 word limit)

Use a short and concise title that indicates the content of the abstract. Capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions, articles, and species names. Species names should be spelled out at first use. Italicize scientific names of organisms (example: Staphylococcus aureus).

Authors (not included in 450 word limit)

Authors' names should be entered using initial(s) for the first and middle names followed by the full last name, with presenting author underlined (e.g. PM Coker, J Ballard, and AP Deutsch).

Affiliations (not included in 450 word limit)

All affiliations should follow the last author's name and be referenced with superscript numbers. Each author should be listed by institution, city, and state (2 letter postal abbreviation) or country.


State the problem under investigation or a hypothesis. No figures or tables are allowed.


Explain the experimental methods used. No figures or tables are allowed.


List the essential results obtained in summary form, with enough quantitative data to permit evaluation by reviewers. No figures or tables are allowed.


Summarize the findings. It is unacceptable to use statements such as "the results will be discussed". No figures or tables are allowed.

Additional Abstract Information

In addition to the uploaded abstract, the following additional information will be collected on the abstract submission form:

Abstract Category

For purposes of review and programming, abstracts are divided into topical categories. Selection of the most appropriate category is important as it determines who reviews your abstract. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reassign your abstract to a more appropriate category.

  • Agricultural Biotechnology
  • Bioenergy
  • Cell Therapy & Tissue Engineering
  • Digital Health
  • Drug Development & Discovery
  • Food & Nutrition
  • Industrial Production 
  • Medical Technology & Devices
  • Molecular and Biological Research
  • Nanotechnology

Abstract Title (should be the same as in the uploaded abstract)

Use a short and concise title that indicates the content of the abstract. Capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions, articles, and species names. Species names should be spelled out at first use. Italicize scientific names of organisms (example: Staphylococcus aureus).

Published Abstract Book

Accepted abstracts will be standardized in font and presentation. Any scientific or typographic error that appears in the submitted abstract will appear in the final e-program.

Submit Your Poster!
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